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Ljiljana Vujanovic is a textile and clothing designer, living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. 

She graduated at Belgrade College of Textile – Design, Technology and Management DTM, Department of  Textile and Clothing Design.

She has a BA in English language and literature from Belgrade University.

She has been exploring the fashion world her whole life as a scholar and a consumer, living and establishing herself in other areas of life as a successful entrepreneur, a wife and a mother.

Her everlasting designer drive has become priority when she opened her company Design centar Finix in 2008. and started working within the fashion industry formulating and exploring the fashion world.

Her collaboration with designers, artists, textile production and distribution companies, as well as skilled and technologically equipped production capacities and marketing consultants, resulted in launching her own fashion brand EQUI in 2016.

Ljiljana is a mother of two loving boys and she’s living her childhood dream of pursuing her life passion.

1 comment

  1. Present-day fashion-conscious individuals called fashionistas, have various ways of living with fashion. They check out the new trends via fashion blogs, not to be tagged as "in" or "cool" but to find out what people are wearing, nowadays.


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